
ClojureDocs is a community-powered documentation and examples repository for the Clojure programming language.

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Recently Updated
ertugrulcetin authored an example for clojure.core/binding 3 days ago.
p-himik authored a note for clojure.core/proxy 11 days ago.
sofiiahitlan authored an example for clojure.core/concat 20 days ago.
cljlc authored an example for clojure.core/abs 32 days ago.
JpOnline authored an example for clojure.core/some 34 days ago.
jimka2001 authored a note for clojure.math/pow 36 days ago.
On Clojure

Clojure is a concise, powerful, and performant general-purpose programming language that runs on the JVM, CLR, Node.js, and modern mobile and desktop web browsers.

New to Clojure and not sure where to start? Here are a few good resources to get you off on the right foot:

There's no denying that Clojure is just so *different* from what most of us are used to (what is up with all those parentheses?!), so it's no surprise that it takes a bit to get your head around it. Stick with it, and you won't be disappointed.

But don't take our word for it, here's what XKCD has to say:

Seems like more than a few these days. Happy coding!

;; Let's define some data using list / map
;; literals:

(def scenes [{:subject  "Frankie"
              :action   "say"
              :object   "relax"}

             {:subject  "Lucy"
              :action   "❤s"
              :object   "Clojure"}

             {:subject  "Rich"
              :action   "tries"
              :object   "a new conditioner"}])

;; Define a function
(defn people-in-scenes [scenes]
  (->> scenes
       (map :subject)
       (interpose ", ")
       (reduce str)))

;; Who's in our scenes?

(println "People:" (people-in-scenes scenes))

;;=> People: Frankie, Lucy, Rich
Clojure in Production
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